I’m implementing MPC using Simulink for tracking mpc similar with your race car example.
But there are some problem with setting the state and control input constraints.
I set the input constraints like these.
nu = 3;
nbu = 3;
Jbu = eye(nbu, nu);
ocp_model.set(‘constr_Jbu’, Jbu);
ocp_model.set(‘constr_lbu’, [vehicle.ddelta_min, vehicle.dgas_min, vehicle.dbrake_min]);
ocp_model.set(‘constr_ubu’, [vehicle.ddelta_max, vehicle.dgas_max, vehicle.dbrake_max]);
Here, vehicle.ddelta_min is set to -20, vehicle.dgas_min to -10, vehicle.dbrake_min to -10,
vehicle.ddelta_max to 20, vehicle.dgas_max to 10, vehicle.dbrake_min to 10,
but in the results of Simulink, it was confirmed that both dgas and dbrake had the same constraints as ddelta.
The constant value in the figure:
reshape(repmat(ocp.model_struct.constr_ubu, ocp.opts_struct.param_scheme_N,1),,1)
Is the code to set the constraints wrong, or is the lbu or ubu of simulink set as in the figure wrong?