Nonlinear constraint expression depending on xdot or u

Hi acados team!

I am working on a nonlinear MPC for a quadrotor with collision avoidance constraints. I am using the Python interface to define the nonlinear quadrotor dynamics and control barrier function (CBF) constraint. For now, I have two static obstacles to avoid.

My CBF constraint h(x,u) is nonlinear and depends on the state and control inputs (or xdot variables). When I export the solver, casadi throws the following error, saying that xdot is a free variable:

Initialization failed since variables [xdot] are free. These symbols occur in the output expressions but you forgot to declare these as inputs. Set option 'allow_free' to allow free variables.

Here is my model:

def exportModel(mpc_params):
  mass = mpc_params.mass
  model_name = mpc_params.mav_name
  nx = mpc_params.nx
  ixx = mpc_params.ixx
  iyy = mpc_params.iyy
  izz = mpc_params.izz
  kf = mpc_params.kf
  km =

  # set up states
  x1 = MX.sym('x1')   # xpos
  x2 = MX.sym('x2')   # ypos
  x3 = MX.sym('x3')   # zpos
  x4 = MX.sym('x4')   # xVel
  x5 = MX.sym('x5')   # yVel
  x6 = MX.sym('x6')   # zVel
  x7 = MX.sym('x7')   # Qw
  x8 = MX.sym('x8')   # Qx
  x9 = MX.sym('x9')   # Qy
  x10 = MX.sym('x10') # Qz
  x11 = MX.sym('x11')  # omegax
  x12 = MX.sym('x12')  # omegay
  x13 = MX.sym('x13')  # omegaz
  x = vertcat(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13)

  xdot = MX.sym('xdot', nx, 1)

  # set up controls
  u1 = MX.sym('u1')  # motor thrust_0
  u2 = MX.sym('u2')  # motor thrust_1
  u3 = MX.sym('u3')  # motor thrust_2
  u4 = MX.sym('u4')  # motor thrust_3
  u = vertcat(u1, u2, u3, u4)

  km_kf = km / kf

  moment_x = mpc_params.arm_length * (-u1 + u2 + u3 - u4)
  moment_y = mpc_params.arm_length * (-u1 + u2 - u3 + u4)

  f_expl_rpm = vertcat(x4, x5, x6, \
                       (1/mass)*(u1+u2+u3+u4)*(2*x7*x9 + 2*x8*x10)/(x7**2 + x8**2 + x9**2 + x10**2),
                       -(1/mass)*(u1+u2+u3+u4)*(2*x7*x8 - 2*x9*x10)/(x7**2 + x8**2 + x9**2 + x10**2),
                       -(1/mass)*(u1+u2+u3+u4)*(2*x8*x8 + 2*x9*x9 - 1)/(x7**2 + x8**2 + x9**2 + x10**2) - 9.81,
                       -(x11*x8)/2 - (x12*x9)/2 - (x13*x10)/2,
                       (x11*x7)/2 + (x13*x9)/2 - (x12*x10)/2,
                       (x12*x7)/2 - (x13*x8)/2 + (x11*x10)/2,
                       (x13*x7)/2 + (x12*x8)/2 - (x11*x9)/2,
                       (moment_x + iyy*x12*x13 - izz*x12*x13)/ixx,
                       (moment_y - ixx*x11*x13 + izz*x11*x13)/iyy,
                       (km_kf*(-u1-u2+u3+u4) + ixx*x11*x12 - iyy*x11*x12)/izz)

  f_expl = f_expl_rpm

  # parameters
  ext_param = MX.sym('references', nx + 13, 1) # ext_param = MX.sym('references', nx + 4, 1)
  p = ext_param
  z = []

  model = AcadosModel()
  model.f_impl_expr = xdot - f_expl
  model.f_expl_expr = f_expl
  model.x = x
  model.u = u
  model.xdot = xdot
  model.z = z
  model.p = p = "quadrotor"

  return model

And here is my solver:

def solver(mpc_params):
  N = mpc_params.N
  Tf = mpc_params.Tf
  Ts = Tf / N
  mass = mpc_params.mass

  ocp = AcadosOcp()
  model = export_model.exportModel(mpc_params)
  ocp.model = model

  nx = model.x.size()[0]
  nu = model.u.size()[0]
  ocp.dims.N = N
  ocp.dims.nx = nx
  ocp.dims.nbx = nx
  ocp.dims.nbu = nu
  ocp.dims.nbx_e = nx = model.u.size()[0] = model.p.size()[0]
  ocp.dims.nbxe_0 = nx

  x = ocp.model.x
  xdot = ocp.model.xdot
  u = ocp.model.u
  param = ocp.model.p

  ocp.cost.cost_type = 'EXTERNAL'
  ocp.cost.cost_type_e = 'EXTERNAL'

  Q = mpc_params.Q
  Qt = mpc_params.Qt
  R = np.array(mpc_params.R)
  Q_quat = np.eye(3)
  Q_quat[0, 0] = Q[6]
  Q_quat[1, 1] = Q[7]
  Q_quat[2, 2] = Q[8]
  Q_quat_e = np.eye(3)
  Q_quat_e[0, 0] = Qt[6]
  Q_quat_e[1, 1] = Qt[7]
  Q_quat_e[2, 2] = Qt[8]

  quat = vertcat(x[6], x[7], x[8], x[9])

  params_0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  pos_vel = vertcat(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[10], x[11], x[12])
  Q_pos_vel = np.array(Q[0:6] + Q[10:13])
  states = pos_vel
  state_costs = Q_pos_vel
  state_costs_terminal = Qt
  state_references = vertcat(param[0:6], param[10:13])
  input_references = vertcat(param[13:17])
  obstacle1_pos = vertcat(param[17:20])
  obstacle2_pos = vertcat(param[20:23])
  init_pos = vertcat(param[23:])
  bx = np.array([40, 40, 20, 10, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3])
  ubu = np.array(mpc_params.ubu)
  lbu = np.array(mpc_params.lbu)
  ocp.parameter_values = np.array(params_0)

  ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_0 = utils.quatError(param[6:10], quat, Q_quat) + \
                                   utils.calcSquareCost(state_references, states, state_costs) + \
                                   utils.calcSquareCost(input_references, u, R)                              

  ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost_e = utils.quatError(param[6:10], quat, Q_quat_e) + \
                                   utils.calcSquareCost(state_references, states, state_costs_terminal)

  ocp.model.cost_expr_ext_cost = utils.quatError(param[6:10], quat, Q_quat) + \
                                 utils.calcSquareCost(state_references, states, state_costs) + \
                                 utils.calcSquareCost(input_references, u, R)

  ocp.constraints.ubx = bx
  ocp.constraints.lbx = -bx
  ocp.constraints.ubx_0 = bx
  ocp.constraints.lbx_0 = -bx
  ocp.constraints.ubx_e = bx
  ocp.constraints.lbx_e = -bx
  ocp.constraints.ubu = ubu
  ocp.constraints.lbu = lbu
  ocp.constraints.idxbx = np.array([i for i in range(nx)])
  ocp.constraints.idxbx_0 = np.array([i for i in range(nx)])
  ocp.constraints.idxbx_e = np.array([i for i in range(nx)])
  ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
  ocp.constraints.x0 = np.array(params_0[0:nx])
  ## Collision avoidance constraint
  dsafe = 0.5
  k1 = 0.5
  k0 = 0.5
  ocp.constraints.lh = np.array([0.0])
  ocp.constraints.uh = np.array([300.0])

  dx = states[0] - obstacle1_pos[0]
  dy = states[1] - obstacle1_pos[1]
  dz = states[2] - obstacle1_pos[2]
  h = dx**2+dy**2+dz**2-dsafe**2
  hdot = 2*dx*states[3]+2*dy*states[4]+2*dz*states[5]
  hdotdot = 2*(states[3]*xdot[0]+states[4]*xdot[1]+states[5]*xdot[2])
  ocp.model.con_h_expr = vertcat(hdotdot+k1*hdot+k0*h)
  ocp.constraints.uh_e = ocp.constraints.uh
  ocp.constraints.lh_e = ocp.constraints.lh
  ocp.model.con_h_expr_e = ocp.model.con_h_expr

  ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_type = 'SQP_RTI'              # "SQP", "SQP_RTI"
  ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = 'GAUSS_NEWTON'          # "GAUSS_NEWTON", "EXACT"
  ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = 'IRK'                  # "ERK", "IRK", "GNSF"
  ocp.solver_options.regularize_method = 'CONVEXIFY'      # ‘NO_REGULARIZE’, ‘MIRROR’, ‘PROJECT’, ‘PROJECT_REDUC_HESS’, ‘CONVEXIFY’ = Tf
  ocp.solver_options.levenberg_marquardt = 10.0
  ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_stat = 1e-7
  acados_solver = AcadosOcpSolver(ocp, json_file='acados_ocp_mpc.json')
  print('MPC built')
  return acados_solver, ocp

I am not sure I understand what a free variable means in my case, because xdot is directly defined in I also tried expressing my constraint using directly the control inputs ocp.model.u instead of xdot but I obtain the same error.

According to acados problem formulation using this kind of constraints should be possible. Also, in one of your acados python example,, a nonlinear constraint is directlly defined using ocp.model.u. I tested this example on my computer and it builds correctly. I do not understand what I do differently.

Would you have any idea what I am doing wrong? Or how to allow free variables in casadi as suggested in the error?

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

Hi mgo :wave:

the nonlinear constraints should be a function of x and u (and potentially p) only! In your current implementation con_h_expr depends on xdot as well.

I assume that the problem with the reformulation of the constraints in terms of x and u was the terminal constraint, which is a function of x only. Could you omit that last constraint maybe?

Best, Katrin

Hi kaethe,

Thank you for your quick response. You solved my problem. Indeed if I define my constraint with u only, and not xdot, and if I remove the terminal constraints, it builds!

Thanks a lot!

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