How get middle variable in model

Hi :wave:

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  • What interface of acados are you using (`C and Python)?
    there is a part of my model code
    f_expl = vertcat(
        v * sin(alpha + C1 * delta), #n'
        # v * C2 * sin(C1 * delta) - params[0][current_idx] * sdota,#alpha' 
        v * tan(delta) / WHEELBASE - params[0][current_idx] * sdota,#alpha' 
        a_car * cos(C1 * delta),

    model.f_impl_expr = model.xdot - f_expl
    model.f_expl_expr = f_expl

    # past speed info
    time_step_idx = floor(time_step)
    time_s = params[4][time_step_idx]
    obs_need_idx = ceil(s / time_s * time_step_idx *2) # 预测是100ms,因此*2
    # past_step info
    past_time_step_idx = if_else(time_step_idx>0,time_step_idx - 1, time_step_idx)
    past_time_s = params[4][past_time_step_idx]
    past_obs_need_idx = ceil(s / time_s * past_time_step_idx *2)

i use python generate c_generated_code,so how can i “past_time_s” info in every step?

  • It is ideal to share a minimal example to reproduce your issue.
  • If you get an error message, paste it as a formatted one, like
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These hints should help other people to help you :handshake:
Thanks for using acados :pray:

no persion replay me?

you did not phrase your question well.