Final Solution not Converging

Hi :wave:

I am trying to write an acados numerical solver for Kinematic Model of a mobile robot in Python.
The task is pretty straight forward, I have 4 state variables [x,y,v,theta] and 2 control variables [a,w] (acceleration and angular velocity) and the robot needs start at (0,0) and finish at (5,5), initial and final velocity and orientation angle should be 0.


def desired_trajectory(N):
    # Define parameters
    initial_position = (0, 0)
    final_position = (5, 5)

    # Linear interpolation for positions
    x = np.linspace(initial_position[0], final_position[0], N+1)
    y = np.linspace(initial_position[1], final_position[1], N+1)

    print(x[N], y[N])

    # Calculate v and theta for each pair of x and y
    v = 0.3 * np.ones(31)
    theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
    v[0] = 0
    v[N] = 0
    theta[N] = 0

    # Combine into p
    p = np.vstack((x, y, v, theta)).T

    a = np.zeros(len(x))  # Acceleration
    w = np.zeros(len(x))  # Angular velocity

    # Combine control variables into matrix r
    r = np.vstack((a, w)).T

    return p, r

def create_ocp_solver():
    Create Acados solver for trajectory optimization.

    # Create AcadosOcp object
    ocp = AcadosOcp()

    # Set up the optimization problem
    model = mobile_robot_model()
    ocp.model = model

    # --------------------PARAMETERS--------------
    # constants
    nx = model.x.size()[0]
    nu = model.u.size()[0]
    N = 30  # Prediction horizon (works for N =200)

    # Setting initial conditions
    ocp.dims.N = N
    ocp.dims.nx = nx = nu

    # Set initial condition for the robot
    ocp.constraints.x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0])

    # ---------------------CONSTRAINTS------------------
    # Define constraints on states and control inputs
    ocp.constraints.idxbu = np.array([0, 1])  # indices 0 & 1 of u
    ocp.constraints.idxbx = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])  # indices 0...3 of x
    ocp.constraints.lbu = np.array([-0.1, -0.3])  # Lower bounds on control inputs
    ocp.constraints.ubu = np.array([0.1, 0.3])  # Upper bounds on control inputs
    ocp.constraints.lbx = np.array([-100, -100, 0, -10])  # Lower bounds on states
    ocp.constraints.ubx = np.array([100, 100, 1, 10])  # Upper bounds on states
    # ---------------------COSTS--------------------------
    # Set up the cost function
    ocp.cost.cost_type = "NONLINEAR_LS"
    ocp.cost.cost_type_e = "NONLINEAR_LS"

    X = ocp.model.x
    U = ocp.model.u

    ocp.model.cost_y_expr = ca.vertcat(X, U)
    ocp.model.cost_y_expr_e = X

    ocp.cost.yref = np.zeros(nx + nu)
    ocp.cost.yref_e = np.zeros(nx)

    W_x = np.array([5, 5, 0.05, 0.005, 0.0001, 0.0001])
    W = np.diag(W_x)
    W_xe = np.array([300, 300, 0.01, 0.01])
    W_e = np.diag(W_xe)

    ocp.cost.W = W  # State weights
    ocp.cost.W_e = W_e  # Terminal state weights

    # ---------------------SOLVER------------------------- = 25
    ocp.solver_options.qp_solver = 'PARTIAL_CONDENSING_HPIPM'
    ocp.solver_options.qp_solver_cond_N = 10
    ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_type = 'SQP'
    ocp.solver_options.hessian_approx = 'GAUSS_NEWTON'
    ocp.solver_options.integrator_type = 'ERK'
    ocp.solver_options.levenberg_marquardt = 3.0
    ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_max_iter = 15
    ocp.solver_options.qp_solver_iter_max = 100
    ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_stat = 1e2
    ocp.solver_options.nlp_solver_tol_eq = 1e-1

    # Set up Acados solver
    acados_solver = AcadosOcpSolver(ocp, json_file='acados_ocp.json')
    return ocp, acados_solver

I tried playing around with different configuration for the solve but nothing seems to work properly. For higher, final solution is closer to the optimal solution but ideally it should work for = 17 since max velocity is 0.3.

Driver code:

# Create optimal control problem solver
ocp, solver = create_ocp_solver()

nx = ocp.model.x.size()[0]
nu = ocp.model.u.size()[0]
N = ocp.dims.N

# Define target and obstacle positions
x_target, y_target = 5, 5
x_obst1, y_obst1 = 3.5, 3.5
x_obst2, y_obst2 = 1.1, 0.6
v_max = 0.3

# ----------------INITIALIZE-------------------
# Set initial state and parameter values

# Get desired trajectory
P, R = desired_trajectory(N)

# Initialize Optimal Trajectory
x_opt = np.zeros((ocp.dims.N + 1, nx))
u_opt = np.zeros((ocp.dims.N, nu))

# Set yref and initial state for each stage in the prediction horizon
for i in range(N):
    yref = np.concatenate((P[i], R[i]))
    solver.set(i, 'x', np.transpose(yref[:4]))
    x = solver.get(i, "x")
    print(x[0], ", ", x[1], ",", x[2], ",", x[3])
    solver.set(i, 'u', np.array([0.0, 0.0]))
    solver.set(i, "yref", yref)
solver.set(0, 'lbx', np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]))
solver.set(0, 'ubx', np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]))
# Set terminal state and terminal cost
solver.set(N, 'x', np.transpose(P[N]))
ocp.cost.yref_e = P[N]

start = timeit.default_timer()

# ---------------------SOLVE-----------------

# Solve optimal control problem
status = solver.solve()
if status != 0:
    raise Exception("Solver failed!")
time_record = timeit.default_timer() - start

for i in range(ocp.dims.N+1):
    x_opt[i, :] = solver.get(i, "x")
    x = solver.get(i, "x")
    print(x[0], ", ", x[1], ",", x[2], ",", x[3])
    if i < ocp.dims.N:
        u_opt[i, :] = solver.get(i, "u")



For future reference in case someone has a similar problem.
I managed to fix the issue by setting the terminal cost properly.
i.e. I had to replace this line in the drive code

ocp.cost.yref_e = P[N]

with this line:

solver.set(N, 'yref', P[-1])

So now my final solution is mostly convergent:
