I have 3 questions regarding the solver parameters (in Matlab interface) for the numerical simulation method:
What is the meaning of “opts_struct.sim_method_num_steps”? Obviously, it does not refer to the number of stages (“intermediate points”) since there is another parameter for that. Aren’t all Runge Kutta methods one-step procedures?
The parameter “opts_struct.sim_method_newton_iter” is only required for implicit methods. Is this correct?
What do I have to do in order to use discrete-time dynamics equations? I’ve tried the following, but this results in a crash of Matlab during code generation:
ocp_model.set(‘dyn_type’, ‘discrete’);
ocp_model.set(‘dyn_expr_phi’, model.expr_phi); % CASADI expression
ocp_opts.set(‘sim_method’, ‘’); % not sure about that, I’ve found no example, maybe this is the problem?
The error on the terminal after Matlab crashing is:
error: field num_stages not available in ocp_nlp_dynamics_disc_opts_set
The error occurs even if I set ‘sim_method_num_stages’ to some value.