MPC for unicycle model

Hello all,
I am trying to implement a simple goal reaching MPC using ACADOS.
I am using the unicycle kinematics model.
I am very confused about how to start implementing this with ACADOS.
From what I understand I need to create a model and then pass the model to AcadosOcp along with the constraints and cost. I am confused on how to formulate the unicycle model. All the example that I am seeing uses implicit and explicit dynamics to define the model. For the unicycle model what will these be? I will be really grateful if anyone can help me out.

I forgot to add. My inputs to the system are velocity and angular velocity.


I am very confused about how to start implementing this with ACADOS.

I suggest to first simulate the model with acados using AcadosSim and AcadosSimSolver.

All the example that I am seeing uses implicit and explicit dynamics to define the model.

For implicit integrators (IRK) you need to provide an implicit ODE.
For explicit integrators (ERK) you need to provide an explicit ODE.