thanks for acados! I have managed to generate c-code from a model.
Now I’m trying to use the generated c code on raspberry pi.
I first installed acados by following the instructions here: Installation — acados documentation
Then I copied the generated code to raspberry pi and then cmake with the directory:
I am not sure what caused this error, are there more installations needed besides acados? or is there a setting that I missed when using cmake? I also changed the BLASFEO_TARGET to ARMV7A_ARM_CORTEX_A15.
As far as I understand blasfeo and hpipm are built directly with the build of acados just like casadi?
thank you for the reply. Yes, I tried to use the Makefile by doing
sudo make
in “c_generated_code”, but I get the error:
That’s why I tried something else. I tried other ARM - Blasfeotargets and cmake again, but still get this error. I found that the Raspberry Pi 4b has an ARM Cortex-A72 CPU which is not in the targets. Could this be a problem?