You have already added the timing information of the integrator in the OCP solver. I am interested in also getting timing information about the standalone integrator (acados_sim_solver_sfunction_…), too.
Is there any way to see the CPU time for integrating the system function?
I think to implement this properly, one should first add the possibility to generate a template based integrator from a MEX acados integrator object.
Then the integrator options would be properly added to the Simulink interface.
These options are here in the template:
If you use an acados integrator in your Simulink loop and think it is slow.
Adding those options and not propagating any sensitivities should accelerate that significantly.
In a second step, acados Simulink integrator options, could be added, similar to the ones of the OCP solver:
I am not sure, if / when I will have time to implement that.
But I would encourage you to try it yourself and make a pull request.