Using irk_gnsf model to generate S-Function

Could please help to understand whats the issue creating a S-Function using irk_gnsf?

I was running an example pendulum_on_cart_model in acados_matlab_octave.

One more question: Could you also let me know whether it is possible to create S-function for sim_solver(model) where it outputs the CPU_time?


I tested the following in the example folder you mentioned

>> example_sim
>> cd c_generated_code/
>> make_sfun_sim_sim_pendulum

This works for me.
Please let me know if you have another issue.

Ideally report a bit more specifically what you did and how to reproduce your issue, e.g. what file did you run? did you modify it in some way?

There are no options to modify the input and output ports of an S-function corresponding to an acados integrator yet.
The computation time of an integrator is pretty deterministic and could also be assessed in pure MATLAB.
However, it would of course be nice to add more Simulink integrator functionality in acados.
