Set yref at node 0

Hi :wave:

I’m using the python interface of Acados for an MHE problem and I try to add mayer terms only on node 0. So the size of yref will not be the same at node 0 and node [1:N-1]. I know it’s allowed to have different sizes for node N and [1:N-1] but I’m not sure for node 0.

When I try to set yref (see code below) for node 0 I have an error message saying that the shape is different between yref and yref_0

ocp_solver.cost_set(0, "yref", yref_0)

Is it possible in another way or do Acados not let set yref at different sizes?

Thanks a lot.



you need to define the cost at stage 0 separately I think.
I suggest you go through this MHE example:



Thanks @FreyJo for your quick response! My mistake was that I forgot to set the “cost_type_0” so when the program compiles it just erases everything related to my initial node.

Everything works well now.
