Error when using make_sfun.m after v013 update


After updating acados to the latest version, I am having trouble generating an s-Function for Simulink. I updated today and tried to generate code for an OCP that was working before.

The error occurs in a blasfeo module with the following message:

Error using mex
In file included from D:/acados_v013/include/acados/sim/sim_gnsf.h:49:0,
                 from D:/acados_v013/include/acados_c/ocp_nlp_interface.h:48,
                 D:/acados_v013/include/blasfeo/include/blasfeo_d_aux.h:61:1: error: unknown type name 'size_t'
 size_t blasfeo_memsize_dmat(int m, int n);
D:/acados_v013/include/blasfeo/include/blasfeo_d_aux.h:63:1: error: unknown type name 'size_t'
 size_t blasfeo_memsize_diag_dmat(int m, int n);
D:/acados_v013/include/blasfeo/include/blasfeo_d_aux.h:65:1: error: unknown type name 'size_t'
 size_t blasfeo_memsize_dvec(int m);
In file included from D:/acados_v013/include/acados/sim/sim_gnsf.h:49:0,
                 from D:/acados_v013/include/acados_c/ocp_nlp_interface.h:48,
                 D:/acados_v013/include/blasfeo/include/blasfeo_d_aux.h:213:1: error: unknown type name 'size_t'
 size_t blasfeo_pm_memsize_dmat(int ps, int m, int n);
D:/acados_v013/include/blasfeo/include/blasfeo_d_aux.h:224:1: error: unknown type name 'size_t'
 size_t blasfeo_cm_memsize_dmat(int m, int n);

Error in make_sfun (line 65)
eval( [ 'mex -v -output  acados_solver_sfunction_rc_house ', ...

Error in rc_house_ocp (line 78)

Can you derive from the error message if it is an bug? Or is there anything that I did not do correctly when updating acados?

Thank you for your help! :slight_smile:

Edit: I edited the error message and removed parts of my folder structure.

It seems to be an an issue connected to the latest BLASFEO & HPIPM update, from yesterday.
So, this is after version 0.1.3, but on the current master
You could check out 0.1.3 for now.
@giaf will hopefully have a look at this.

Thank you for your fast response. I will change to the correct version.

I fixed the header files in BLASFEO, and updated it in acados.
Hopefully this should fix the issue.