I am trying to cross-compile acados for DS1401 using the steps that are given in the acados page. I have executed the CMake command to build and I am getting the below error. I am using the following versions
Windows Matlab 2018b,
DSpace 2017-B
Cmake 3.26.1.
I have successfully build the acados and generated S-function for my application. If anyone find any leads, please let me know.
I tried setting the BLASFEO_TARGET to x64_automatic but still i get this error.
PS D:\SVN\acados> cd .\buildDS1401\
PS D:\SVN\acados\buildDS1401> cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/Toolchain-dSpaceDS1401.cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -S ../ -B ./
-- The C compiler identification is unknown
-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - failed
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/ProgramData/dSPACE/AD52223F-E7EC-4A16-97FB-8ADC3C426EE0/Compiler/PPCTools/bin/mccppc.exe
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/ProgramData/dSPACE/AD52223F-E7EC-4A16-97FB-8ADC3C426EE0/Compiler/PPCTools/bin/mccppc.exe - works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - failed
-- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/ProgramData/dSPACE/AD52223F-E7EC-4A16-97FB-8ADC3C426EE0/Compiler/PPCTools/bin/mccppc.exe
-- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/ProgramData/dSPACE/AD52223F-E7EC-4A16-97FB-8ADC3C426EE0/Compiler/PPCTools/bin/mccppc.exe - works
-- Build type is Release
CMake Deprecation Warning at external/blasfeo/CMakeLists.txt:36 (cmake_minimum_required):
Compatibility with CMake < 2.8.12 will be removed from a future version of
CMake. Update the VERSION argument <min> value or use a ...<max> suffix to tell
CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions.
-- The ASM compiler identification is unknown
-- Found assembler: C:/ProgramData/dSPACE/AD52223F-E7EC-4A16-97FB-8ADC3C426EE0/Compiler/PPCTools/bin/asmppc.exe
-- Warning: Did not find file Compiler/-ASM
-- Using linear algebra: HIGH_PERFORMANCE
-- Using matrix format: PANELMAJ
-- Using external BLAS: 0
-- Testing target GENERIC: assembly compilation [failed]
Compile output:
Change Dir: D:/SVN/acados/buildDS1401/compilerTest/GENERIC/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command(s):C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe -E env VERBOSE=1 C:/PROGRA~1/DSPACE~3/Exe/DSMAKE.EXE -f Makefile cmTC_a23e4/fast && Building C object CMakeFiles/cmTC_a23e4.dir/isa_test.c.obj
Linking C static library cmTC_a23e4.lib
CMAKE_AR-NOTFOUND qc cmTC_a23e4.lib CMakeFiles/cmTC_a23e4.dir/isa_test.c.obj
Error running link command: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 2. Stop. OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 3. Stop.
CMake Error at external/blasfeo/cmake/TestSingleTarget.cmake:26 (message):
Unable to compile with assembly for target GENERIC
Call Stack (most recent call first):
external/blasfeo/CMakeLists.txt:375 (TestSingleTarget)
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
Have you solved it ? I have the same problem when run “cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=…/cmake/Toolchain-dSPACEDS1202.cmake -G “Unix Makefiles” -S …/ -B ./”. Thanks!!
Hi @FreyJo
Thank you for your prompt response.
As attached in the snapshot, I used the same default settings as GENERIC in the cmake/Toolchain-dSpaceDS1401.cmake . file(line 35,36) . But still, I am getting the error.
Linking C static library cmTC_a23e4.lib
CMAKE_AR-NOTFOUND qc cmTC_a23e4.lib CMakeFiles/cmTC_a23e4.dir/isa_test.c.obj
Error running link command: Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 2. Stop. OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 3. Stop.
CMake Error at external/blasfeo/cmake/TestSingleTarget.cmake:26 (message):
Unable to compile with assembly for target GENERIC
I am running this on my company desktop. As I am getting the above error, do you think I need to give any special permissions because the object file is not being found?
Please Let me know if you need any further information on this specific error.
@raghuboppana Is your toolchain file setting the variable CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING (or setting the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME variable)? If it is, then the target detection shouldn’t be running.
To completely remove the target detection, you can include the CMake variable BLASFEO_CROSSCOMPILING=TRUE in your CMake invocation, which will forcefully disable it (this variable is normally set automatically from CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING though).
But still, I got the same error so I commented out the first line in Toolchain file and tried building again and it worked.
I followed the next step in workflow
cmake --build ./
Now I get new errors. In the first error, it is not finding the include files.
PS D:\SVN\acados\buildDS1401> cmake --build ./
[ 1%] Building C object external/blasfeo/CMakeFiles/blasfeo.dir/auxiliary/blasfeo_stdlib.c.obj
(F) C0005; "D:\SVN\acados\external\blasfeo\auxiliary\blasfeo_stdlib.c", line 40 pos 28; could not open source file "blasfeo_stdlib.h"
#include <blasfeo_stdlib.h>
OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 1. Stop.
OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 3. Stop.
OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 3. Stop.
So I started manually including the directories in .c files and then I get a different error as below.
PS ...\acados\buildDS1401> cmake --build ./
Scanning dependencies of target blasfeo
[ 1%] Building C object external/blasfeo/CMakeFiles/blasfeo.dir/auxiliary/blasfeo_processor_features.c.obj
[ 1%] Building C object external/blasfeo/CMakeFiles/blasfeo.dir/auxiliary/blasfeo_stdlib.c.obj
(E) C0513; "...\acados\external\blasfeo\auxiliary\blasfeo_stdlib.c", line 59 pos 7; a value of type "int" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "void *"
*ptr = _aligned_malloc( size, CACHE_LINE_SIZE );
1 Error 2 Informationals (2 suppressed)
OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 1. Stop.
OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 3. Stop.
OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 3. Stop.
I hope you guys are able to follow my long post. I really appreciate if you have any suggestions to resolve these errors.
Thank you for your reply. I just commented that line because as mentioned below I could not able to compile by adding BLASFEO_CROSSCOMPILING=TRUE in my CMake invocation. So I commented the CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME line.
But I cleared my Caches and tried everything fresh but I get below error.
PS D:\SVN\acados\buildDS1401> cmake --build ./
[ 1%] Building C object external/blasfeo/CMakeFiles/blasfeo.dir/auxiliary/blasfeo_stdlib.c.obj
(F) C0005; "D:\SVN\acados\external\blasfeo\auxiliary\blasfeo_stdlib.c", line 40 pos 28; could not open source file "blasfeo_stdlib.h"
#include <blasfeo_stdlib.h>
OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 1. Stop.
OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 3. Stop.
OPUS MAKE: Shell line exit status 3. Stop.
Hi @raghuboppana
Have you got some idea about this issue? I met exactly the same error when I cross compiled Acados on my laptop. I also tried the approaches you said below and also met the new error as you stated. I found it has been one month since the topic was raised and could you tell me whether you get some idea about how to solve the problem?