I am trying to introduce slack varibles for linear constraints and I am getting following error. Number of linear constraints =3, number of states =4.
nsh = nh;%nh =1
% Jsh_0 = eye(0);
% Jsh = eye(nh);
% Jsbu = eye(1);
Jsg = eye(3);
% ocp_model.set('constr_Jsh_0', Jsh_0);
% ocp_model.set('constr_Jsh', Jsh);
% ocp_model.set('constr_Jsbu', Jsbu);
ocp_model.set('constr_Jsg', Jsg);
% Set cost on slack
% L1 slack (linear term)
ocp_model.set('cost_zl_0', 100 * ones(3,1));
ocp_model.set('cost_zu_0', 100 * ones(3,1));
% % % L2 slack (squared term)
ocp_model.set('cost_Zl_0', 1*eye(3));
ocp_model.set('cost_Zu_0', 1*eye(3));
% L1 slack (linear term)
ocp_model.set('cost_zl', 100 * ones(3,1));
ocp_model.set('cost_zu', 100 * ones(3,1));
% % L2 slack (squared term)
ocp_model.set('cost_Zl', 1*eye(3));
ocp_model.set('cost_Zu', 1*eye(3));
interface output.
>> solver
Warning: codgen_model is deprecated and has no effect.
> In acados_ocp_opts/set (line 131)
In solver (line 164)
Warning: acados_ocp will be deprecated in the future. Use AcadosOcpSolver instead. For
more information on the major acados Matlab interface overhaul, see
> In acados_ocp (line 33)
In solver (line 189)
Warning: cost_type_0 not set, using path cost
> In AcadosOcp/detect_cost_and_constraints (line 820)
In AcadosOcp/make_consistent (line 107)
In AcadosOcpSolver (line 51)
In acados_ocp (line 41)
In solver (line 189)
Warning: self.parameter_values are not set.
Using zeros(np,1) by default.
You can update them later using set().
> In AcadosOcp/make_consistent (line 131)
In AcadosOcpSolver (line 51)
In acados_ocp (line 41)
In solver (line 189)
NOTE: The selected QP solver FULL_CONDENSING_QPOASES does not support one-sided constraints yet.
compiling C:\Solvers\acados_2\acados\examples\acados_matlab_octave\..\..\interfaces\acados_matlab_octave\ocp_get_cost.c
Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)'.
MEX completed successfully.
compiling C:\Solvers\acados_2\acados\examples\acados_matlab_octave\..\..\interfaces\acados_matlab_octave\ocp_get.c
Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)'.
MEX completed successfully.
compiling C:\Solvers\acados_2\acados\examples\acados_matlab_octave\..\..\interfaces\acados_matlab_octave\ocp_eval_param_sens.c
Building with 'MinGW64 Compiler (C)'.
MEX completed successfully.
acados MEX interface compiled successfully
Warning: KKT_residuals now computes the residuals of the output iterate in SQP_RTI,
this leads to increased computation time, turn off this port if it is not needed. See
> In AcadosOcp/get_template_list (line 1070)
In AcadosOcp/render_templates (line 980)
In AcadosOcpSolver (line 61)
In acados_ocp (line 41)
In solver (line 189)
It gives me the following error.
Error using render_file (line 51)
rendering acados_solver.in.c failed.
returned status 1, got result:
Error: Failed to render 'acados_solver.in.c'
Reason: Variable `constraints.lsg[i]` not found in context while rendering
'acados_solver.in.c': the evaluated version was `constraints.lsg.0`. Maybe the index is
out of bounds?
Error in AcadosOcp/render_templates (line 991)
render_file( in_file, out_file, json_fullfile )
Error in AcadosOcpSolver (line 61)
Error in acados_ocp (line 41)
solver = AcadosOcpSolver(ocp, output_dir);
Error in solver (line 189)
ocp_solver = acados_ocp(ocp_model, ocp_opts);
I tried chnaging the dimensions of cost matrices and slacks but it still results in error.