Acados installation in Pycharm

I installed texlive-base but I got the same error
“PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘latex’”
So I did as you suggested and finally everything worked out perfectly

Thank you again Jonathan for your outstanding support!!!


Hi @FreyJo,

I made a fresh installation of acados in a fresh Ubuntu 19.04 virtual machine using atomatic targets. At the end I got the same error as before. So it’s sistematic. I have all the outputs of the installation but I don’t know how to paste it here.

Hi @walter,

I am glad I could help.

you can paste the installation output here:

I dont know what is going on with the Latex option, but will just set the default to False probably.

Hi @FreyJo,

I pasted the output in Pastebin (Acados fresh installation).
I am installing texlive-full to see if it works without False.
Thank you again

Sorry, I forgot the link

Hi @FreyJo,

I installed texlive_full, ran with the default settings (no latexify=False) and it completed successfully with the matplotlib plot displayed.

Hi @FreyJo,

I succeeded in running acados examples within PyCharm.
I created a dedicated environement in anaconda and launched PyCharm from there.
I then created a project in PyCharm that I called Acados and selected as python interpreter Python3.7 from anaconda folder.

Doing this linked also acado_template as the installed packages seen by PyCharm.
I then opened home/walter/acados/examples/acados_python/getting_started/ and ran it without problems.


We also fixed the problem with the BLASFEO target.

Excellent!! :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you again for your support.
